My name is Nozomi Yamada, I belong to the department of linguistics at Chulalongkorn University. I am now researching about computational linguistcs (Natural Language Processing) and phonetics/phonology. The laboratory I belong to is NLP Lab@Chula, which is supervised by Dr. Attapol Thamrongrattanarit.
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Nozomi Yamada, Pittayawat Pittayaporn (2019) Proceedings of The 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation - PACLIC 33
The case study about the diffusion of the innovative verbal usage of nok in Thai Twitter.
Three computational linguistic methods that we adopted can help to deal with polysemy.
Lexical statistics (e.g. word frequency, bigram, entropy) and vectorization (e.g. word2vec, doc2vec) of Thai news corpora. This research shows many interesting characteristics of Thai newspapers. Especially, metonymy is frequently used and it is hard for computer to understand the meaning. This reserch also shows that word2vec helps to detect metonyms automatically.